Vermont Foodbank Donation to Aid Covid-19 Response

During unprecedented times like these, it can be easy to feel anxious, helpless, stressed out, or a variety of other emotions. We all want to help our neighbors and communities get through this as best we can but might not know how to or feel like we’ll be making a difference. In times of crisis, it’s up to all of us to do our part, whether that’s helping out in some way or the simple act of just staying home. We believe that everyone can make a difference, even small brands like us. “Think globally, act locally,” is a phrase that rings true for us always, but especially right now.

While we’re looking forward to brighter days ahead filled with biking and friends, right now we’re focused on what we can do to help those impacted during this time of need.

From March 26 through April 25, 2020, Kaden will be donating 15% of our website sales and matching it dollar-for-dollar to the Vermont Foodbank’s COVID-19 Hunger Relief Fund. For those who are able, we encourage you to find opportunities in your community to help out, whether it be delivering food to those in self-quarantine, volunteering virtual tutoring services, donating cleaning supplies, or making a financial contribution to an organization in need.

4/27/20 Update:

The COVID-19 crisis has created unprecedented hardships for many families and has increased the need for food and other basic necessities. In Vermont, 1 in 4 people struggle with hunger and we wanted to do our part to make an impact on the lives of our hungry neighbors.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our campaign to raise funds for the Vermont Foodbank. With your support, we’re proud to say that the funds donated from the campaign will help provide 400 meals! A good reminder that everyone can make a difference through small actions.

The Vermont Foodbank is a 501(c)(3) private nonprofit organization located in Barre, Vermont. The mission of the Vermont Foodbank is to gather and share quality food and nurture partnerships so that no one in Vermont will go hungry. Together, we can help make sure that pantries are filled and that people are prepared to take good care of themselves and their loved ones. It is more important than ever to ensure that anyone in Vermont who needs a meal can get one.

Learn more about the Vermont Foodbank and how you can help here.


Visit the Kaden Apparel online store here.


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