Hey! My name is Amanda, I am located in Danville, CA. I first began recreational mountain biking my freshman year of high school and joined the San Ramon Valley Mountain Bike Club (SRVMTB). From there, I’ve progressed tremendously and I am now an avid cross country rider and race competitively. I am currently a junior in high school and captain of SRVMTB. I am extremely passionate about expanding the female mountain biking community and I think it is very important to encourage the younger generations to start riding.
Current city, state: Danville, CA
Day job: High school student
Favorite bike: Revel Ranger
Number of bikes in your quiver? 3
Clipless or flats? Clipless
Ice cream or popsicles? Ice cream
Tacos or burritos? Burritos
Favorite place to ride? Mt. Diablo
Bucket list bike trip? Swiss Alps
Go-to activity when not biking? Hiking!
Follow along with Amanda's adventures @amandalang.mtb