Howdy! I'm Ariel Karabinus, 32, and currently reside in Morrisville, Vermont. Growing up I was always active and loved playing outside. I excelled at long distance track and cross country running and earned a scholarship to compete at the University of Virginia. After graduating undergrad and becoming burnt out from running and being injured, I moved to Stowe, Vermont and fell back in love with the outdoors and moving my body in nature with mountain biking and backcountry skiing. I was instantly drawn to the strong, welcoming, and thriving local women's mountain bike and outdoor community. As my confidence on the bike continued to grow, I wanted to share that feeling with other women at group rides and events. All summer long I help organize biweekly women group rides at
Ranch Camp with local legend, Meg Oliver. Meeting new friends and sharing the stoke is what fills my cup. This past year I took the leap (literally) outside of just trail riding and started dabbling in downhill mountain biking, and started doing drops, jumps, and enduro racing. This year I am looking forward to meeting more women mountain biking, continuing to progress in drops, jumps, and technical terrain, as well as competing in more enduro races. Hope to see you out on the trail!
Current city, state: Morrisville, Vermont
Day job: Sales and Customer Service at Concept2, LLC
Favorite bike: Trek Fuel EX
Number of bikes in your quiver? 3 - an old Trek mountain bike converted into a gravel bike during covid, my trusty Trek Fuel EX, and the newest addition, the Trek Slash for bike park days.
Clipless or flats? Both! After fully rupturing my achilles in March of 2022, my PT thought it was best to stick to flats. I currently have clipless on my gravel bike but want to go back to clipless on my full squishes this season, too.
Ice cream or popsicles? Ice Cream. Always.
Tacos or burritos? Tacos
Favorite place to ride? Cady Falls
Bucket list bike trip? Whistler
Go-to activity when not biking? Getting my dogs out for a stroll on the trails behind my apartment.
Follow along with Ariel's adventures @whariel