As an incredibly mediocre mid-40s mom-thlete, I'm a major hype girl for the "it's never too late to start" mindset! I spent a lot of years feeling intimidated by mountain biking, but when another femme friend finally coaxed me into giving it an honest try, I instantly fell in love - especially with the magic that happens when women ride in community together. My riding buddies and I have progressed together at our own pace, celebrated every tiny accomplishment with the enthusiasm of toddlers discovering ice cream, brought as many friends along as possible, and have experienced the empowering thrill of realizing that old moms CAN learn new tricks! Off the trail I'm a freshly minted clinical mental health counselor in Bellingham, WA where I live and play with my husband and two kiddos (ages 6 & 8).
Current city, state: Bellingham, WA
Day job: Clinical Mental Health Counselor (juuuuuust about to graduate with my master's in May!)
Favorite bike: My trusty 2017 Santa Cruz Bronson CC
Number of bikes in your quiver? 3(ish)? MTB, commuter, and "The Beast" (a Surly Big Dummy non-electric cargo bike)...I also own a road bike I haven't ridden in approximately 10 years
Clipless or flats? Flats!
Ice cream or popsicles? always, always ice cream
Tacos or burritos? tacos
Favorite place to ride? I'm in love with my backyard hill...Galbraith Mountain in Bellingham is the best playground
Bucket list bike trip? I would love to ride in New Zealand someday
Go-to activity when not biking? currently juggling children and grad school takes most of my time...on days when I can't make it out for a ride I'll typically be either hiking or trail running
Follow along with Jessica's adventures @jurassica_marie